Investigating Vehicle Accident History: What You Need to Know
Vehicle accidents occur every day and the aftermath can be very upsetting and confusing. It is important to understand the history of a vehicle before making a purchase, as it could have been in a major accident or had other problems that could affect its safety and performance. This article will provide insight into what you need to know about investigating a vehicle's accident history including what tools to use to evaluate vehicles condition and long-term cost of ownership. In order to check vehicle accident history it is impartative that you first locate the Vehicle Identification Number, commonly referred to as VIN. This is a unique 17 digit number can commenly be found on the vehicles documents such as title, registration and insurance policy. However, it is impartative to crossreferance the vin number with the vin number permenently etched on multiple sections of the vehicle. Most commonly the VIN can be located directly on the dashboard visible from the lower driver side of...