
Showing posts with the label license plate number

How to Obtain a Vehicle Title Number

  Vehicle Title Number A vehicle registration is a compulsory certification that every vehicle must obtain to ensure that it can be driven on public roads. After you have purchased a vehicle, either it's new or used; it must be registered at the DMV office. The vehicle will receive a registration plate that is distinct to that particular vehicle. Aside from the registration, there is a  Vehicle Identification Number  (VIN), that is completely unique to every vehicle and that serves to that same purpose. What is vehicle title?   A vehicle title is a document that functions as an evidence of ownership. Just like vehicle registrations, Vehicle titles are likewise given by the DMV. The title contains some features of a vehicle, such as: the car year,  make and model , the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), its gross weight for taxation requirements, the  license plate number , as well as the owner's name and address.   Features of a Vehicle Title It poss...