
Showing posts with the label vehicle engine by vin

What Octane Gasoline Should I Use in My Car?

  At some point, we've all experienced the uncertainty of selecting the right fuel at the pump. To some of us, the choice may seem a bit redundant as we stick with what we know or the least expensive choice. To fully understand octane and its importance as it relates to various   vehicle makes and models , we must first understand octane and its integral role in the combustion engine.   Octane Gasoline     The octane rating that you see plastered on the fuel pump and gas station billboards is not just some irrelevant piece of information. This fuel rating refers to that gasolines ability to resist premature combustions or knocking during combustion in an engine. Knocking occurs when the air-fuel mixture ignites prematurely or unevenly in the combustion chamber, causing vibrations and potentially damaging the engine. The octane rating is simply a measure of the fuel's resistance to this phenomenon. In most countries including the US, Octane ratings are typically ...

Exposing the truth behind Engine Start-Stop Technology

 In the pursuit of increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, many modern vehicles come equipped with engine start-stop technology. This feature automatically shuts off the engine when the vehicle is stationary, such as at a traffic signal and restarts it when the driver accelerates. Manufacturers frequently leverage the advantages of engine start-stop technology, emphasizing reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions to promote higher fuel efficiency and lower MPG figures in their advertisements. Nevertheless, we will delve into the genuine advantages and drawbacks of the system, enabling you to determine whether it's worthwhile to have it activated in your late-model vehicle.  Exposing the truth behind Engine Start-Stop Technology   While this innovation has some environmental benefits and improved fuel economy, concerns often arise regarding its potential long-term cost as it relates to various car systems and engine. The initial consideration y...